Words have so much meaning to them. They represent a meaning in each sentence. Each time you write something, say something...you are using words. Adjectives describe you. Verbs state your action. Without words how would we speak?
Words can have so much hate in them sometimes and can tear you apart. While others can bring you so much joy, and put a smile on your face. One single sentence could change someone's life, using words. That one sentence could change a person's view for the better or the worse. Sometimes we may regret what words we choose to use, and that guilt sticks with us for a while from the words we choose.
Saying "I love you", three words, is something you feel and that you express to someone that you have all this mushy inside of you for someone else. Saying "I hate you", three words, is this dark feeling inside of you, that makes you despise someone...that your whole brain is overwhelmed to think of that person. Saying either of these three words has really deep meaning in them. You wouldn't go around saying either of these to someone you don't know, or have no knowledge of. When saying these three words, be careful because they can really impact someone...and you may not mean it.
I'm not saying don't tell your mom, you don't love her. But I'm saying if someone says they love you, don't feel pressured to have to say it back...if you don't feel it. Sometimes in the heat of the moment...you can say "I hate you", and not mean it.
Overtime people choose words, adjectives to describe...and have nicknames; that shape you as a person. But don't let that affect you, don't be overwhelmed or into what others think of you. You will get buried in the life of pleasing others. No matter, how hard you try to please someone else, they will never be satisfied and that's okay...they are human like me and you.
I want you to remember something, you will only be happy...if you don't force it and don't rely on others for it. Let it come naturally. Don't do anything for others, but do it for you...do it because you want to do it. Words are a big part of our life, so choose the ones you want to say wisely.
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