Unconscious and Conscious thinking

 Our conscious and unconscious minds work together. Sometimes our unconscious mind can block us from seeing things that our conscious minds do not want us to see. Sometimes our unconscious minds show us little memories to let us relive those moments that we miss. 

Today my unconscious mind brought up something sad for me, to let me face it. I miss my cat Hermonie, she was a beautiful light in my life and made me happy even when I wasn't. And I miss her every day. I saw a Cardinal today when I was thinking of Hermonie, which is my Grandma's favorite bird. I saw the Cardinal and knew that my Grandma was here with me telling me everything was okay and that I am going to get through this pain. 

What happened was I came out to see my cat Gracie, because unconsciously that is what I felt was best for me. So, I made a conscious decision to go out to my living room and see Gracie, I was about to go back to my bedroom when I turned around and saw a Cardinal. I saw the Cardinal, right on my porch. I just sat there staring at the Cardinal with tears flowing out of my eyes, knowing it was my Grandma sending me a message to let me know it is okay. I sat there just staring with tears until the Cardinal flew away and I just kind of sat there some more until my cat Gracie started moving to my room. 

I miss Hermonie a lot, but I know she is okay because she is with my Grandma. The Cardinal came so that I knew I was going to be okay and that whatever I was feeling right now was temporary and that I should not take it out on myself and just let myself feel. Feel the pain, feel the hurt and just let myself heal. I have to live my life so that one day me and Hermonie will be with each other again. I have to live myself so that I can help others heal. I have to live myself to let Hermonie shine through me and have a life of my own one day. 

Whatever you are feeling right now is just temporary and that feeling is valid and okay, but you are going to get through that feeling and fight it. Believe and have faith in whatever you want, but know that it is okay to feel. Unconsciously we may push down that pain, deep down so we do not have to face it. But consciously you have to face it and let yourself heal. 


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